健康 & 体育课程


THPER系本科专业为休闲娱乐. 休闲娱乐课程的整体主旨是为各专业学生提供各种广泛的学习内容, 当代, 探索性理论, 实用, 和研究的机会,使最佳的知识, 经验的增长, 在娱乐方面的专业成熟度可以获得,这样专业就可以为个人提供娱乐方面的知识和技能, 休闲时间, 和/或终身活动. 这是为了确保专业获得相关的, 整体, 多样化的知识基础,使他们具备在研究生院和在任何专业和/或娱乐相关领域的工作世界中取得成功的熟练技能.

体育是本科, HPER系的学科认可,也是该系的教师教育组成部分. 它使专业人员能够教授和/或指导从K到12年级的学生. 它确保(a)学生获得一个全面的, extensive learning of the 知识 base of physical education; (b) that they master instructional, methodological techniques specific to physical education; (c) that they understand and are able to execute the instruction, 应用程序, and adaptation of physical activities and skills not only with able body individuals but also with individuals with disabilities; (d) that they know and can apply appropriate theoretical, 实用, and spontaneous classroom approaches as physical educators; (e) and that they know and can apply as well leadership managerial approaches as coaches and/or as administrators.

最后, 体育教育的教师教育组成部分为学生在高等教育中取得成功做好准备, 特别是当他们试图攻读体育教育和/或相关学科的高级学位时.

HPER系的本科学术组成部分是通识教育核心课程. 这些课程让学生们逐渐熟悉影响他们心理的许多不同的促进因素和危害因素, 的态度, 知识, 健康, 健身, 并终生致力于合理合理的健康生活方式. 此外, 这些课程的目标是让学生意识到必须了解(1)身体对疾病和运动的反应, (2)对个体和环境因素的积极和消极反应, (3)参与和不参与健康生活方式的反应, (4)学习健康的生活方式实践如何使他们不仅在学术和/或专业努力中精力充沛地坚持下去,而且在保持高质量的专业和个人健康旺盛的长寿中.

HPER系的另一个本科生组成部分是HPER俱乐部. HPER俱乐部的目标是让HPER专业的学生参与到组织过程中来, 规划, 市场营销, 社区服务, 团队工作, 和领导能力. The HPER Club is major-centered; the chair and faculty members of the department serve only in an advisory role. The majors are solely responsible for creating the vision and mission statements of the club; recruiting majors who are not members of the club; electing the officers for the club; determining the procedural operations, 校园和社区服务功能, and fund-raising events of the club; and participating in the department’s research, 专业, 以及学术发展.